Friday, October 9, 2015

Recipe: Peanut Butter Popcorn

My husband loves popcorn.  I like it all right.  We got a stove top popper last Christmas (thanks Mom and Dad!), and I've started eating it more often.  It's more work than putting a bag into the microwave, but waaaay better tasting.  We have a variety of salts and seasonings we put on it.

My husband was craving popcorn and a movie the other night, but I just wasn't feeling our usual salty selections.  And the caramel salt topping we  I wanted some sort of sweetness drizzled over the top, but I have yet to really get the hang of making caramel.  So what to do?

Peanut butter sauce.  I just grabbed a little pot and threw some sugar, peanut butter, a splash of milk and a pat of butter in, let it melt together, and drizzled it over the pop corn.  Quick and delicious.  Actually, some of the most satisfying popcorn I've had in a while.  My husband gave it his stamp of approval, so I think this will be gracing movie night more often.

1/4 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup peanut butter
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp milk

Bowl of unbuttered and unsalted popcorn (1/4 cup kernels, popped on stove top)

1. Melt butter and sugar together over medium heat, stirring constantly.
2. Add peanut butter and milk.  Continue to stir until ingredients are blended and peanut butter is runny.
3. Pour immediately over popcorn.  Toss to coat.
4. Kick back with movie, and enjoy!

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