Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Making Mama Proud: Let the recipe writing begin!

I love to cook. I grew up in a family that infrequently ate out or grabbed fast food. Those were treats that were fun and delicious but...

Honestly? Thinking about it, those weren't the 'treats' that excited me most. Special occasions meant Dad's home made pizza or BBQ.  Mom's chicken pot pie should have fed an army, but who could turn down seconds? FYI, never me.

So while I truly enjoy the experience of dining out, or the convenience  (and caloric goodness) of a drive through meal, for me, home made is the way to go.  It's fun, delicious, and, frankly, cheaper.

But I have a bad habit. It has to do with recipes. I am constantly whipping up a meal with whatever ingredients I have or am craving. Into the pot they go, out comes a meal. Particularly good ones end up pictured on Facebook or chatted about with my parents. And then that dreaded question comes up.

'What recipe did you use?'


You see, I rarely actually follow recipes, and almost never write my own creations down. In my defense, it took ages for my parents to put some of their recipes to paper, so you might say it's a hereditary problem.  And normally, it doesn't bother me to not have a specific recipe that I rarely follow anyways.

Until I can't replicate it or share it.  So, I decided to finally follow my mom's advice and start writing things down. So here it is, the chronicles of my culinary adventures!

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